LHM would like to thank everyone for your continued prayers and support.  Food and supplies are still an issue for LHM and the village. Since the large food delivery 9 days ago and a small delivery last Saturday, there have been no further deliveries of aid. Andris and Mary Jane were able to go into Port-au-Prince yesterday and speak with the US Army. They were promised a delivery of food and medical supplies within 2 days for the whole village. We also have a commitment from Food for the Poor to deliver food for 500 families.  Please pray with us that these aid deliveries will arrive soon. 
Our reconnaisance team led by Pastor Bob Carpenter was scheduled to leave yesterday, but their flights have been delayed until Feb. 9. They will be carrying in tents and some very specific medical supplies that are urgently needed.
We would like to extend a special thanks to all our supporters who have been so faithful in prayers and so generous with financial support. Through you, God has raised over $50,000 for earthquake relief and there are many fundraisers still underway.  When Pastor Bob returns from Haiti, we will put together a detailed plan on how to address the needs over the coming months. We know that we must repair buildings on the LHM campus and we expect to have a special focus on housing for the members of the Zion Church Haiti congregation and LHM staff who have lost their homes.
We are thankful for many of you who are involved in collecting items to send to Haiti. We will be providing guidance soon on how those goods will be transported to Haiti throughout 2010. The food,clothing, hygiene kits, medical supplies and other items will meet critical needs as the aid from governments and international aid agencies inevitably begins to decrease. 
Thank you all for continuing to answer God's call us to help our brothers and sisters in need.  "If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you." Lev. 25:35

p.s. Please pray also for the American missionaries who are being tried in Haiti on child abduction charges
Mark Breading
visit http://www.livinghopehaiti.org to learn about Living Hope Ministries in Haiti



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    Mary Jane and Andris - The directors at Living Hope Ministries
    Living Hope Ministries in Haiti is a Christian mission organization near Carrefour, Haiti that operates a primary school, trade school, entrepreneurship program, and a church. living Hope (LHM) is about 2 miles from the epicenter of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Hiti January 12th, 2010. God has providentially proctected LHM in the midst of the devastation so the mission will have a large roll in the coming months in sharing God's word in love and action. 

    There are 3 primary ways you can help the people of Haiti - prayer, financial contributions, and donation of material goods. One Hundred percent of the contributions will go to Haiti. The money contributed will provide jobs and income to local Haitian Staff (40 people) and Haitian construction workerswho will be hired for repare and constructions of buildings on the LHM campus. 

    To make a donation send a check payable to: Christ community Church-- 
    earmarked for Haiti Relief. 

    Send checks to:
    Christ Community Church
    1382 Halon Young Rd.
    Liberty, KY 42539 

    For more information go to LHM website

    Thank You for your prayer and support.


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